1 year ago
It is hereby that we, GAS EXTRA INC LTD, would like to announce that the following people are not related to this company and/or affiliated with this company:
1- Mr. FARQAD ZUHAIR HADI ALSHAIKHLI Passport No. A11060605 Nationality IRAQ.
2- Mr. ALI HUSSEIN AJOOB AJOOB Passport No. A12475873 Nationality IRAQ.
3- Mr. VAHIDREZA KHALILI Passport No. Z59549557 Nationality IRAN.
We would like to give our special thanks to the KOREAN MOROCON HOLDING GROUP for helping us in this case and also announce that the documents that are faked in Mr. BOMCHOL LEE's name bearing our company's name are all faked by the above-mentioned people.